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6401 W Fort St, Detroit, MI 48209


Date & Time

Thursday, Jun 11, 2020 - 10:00am (EST) Eastern Standard Time


Monday & Tuesday, June 8th & 9th, From 9am To 4pm Each Day Or By Appointment

Auction Type



By Order Of The Federal Court Appointed Receiver, Complete State-Of-The-Art Automotive Steering Arm & Knuckle Manufacturing Facility & Its Components, To Be Sold Via Negotiated Sale & Auction Sale Commencing Immediately. Built In 2015 At An Approximate Cost Of $75 Million.
Complete Aluminum Foundry (2017) To Include: CPC Model 1600 Counter Pressure Casting Machines, VJ Technologies, X-Ray Systems, Trim Presses, Fanuc Parts Handling Robots, Band Saws, Foundry Crucibles, Strikowestofen & ALM Melting Furnaces; Chang Jiang Heat Treat Furnaces, Washers.
• (75) 4 & 5 Axis CNC Machining Centers, Including: Large Quantity Of Doosan, Vigel, DMG Mori, Hardinge-Bridgeport & Mori Machining Centers; Over 400 HSK & CAT Tool Holders, Tool Presetters.
• Large Quantity Of Late Model Fanuc Robots
• Full Inspection Room & Multiple Lab Rooms
• General Plant Support Equipment


Striko Westofen Aluminum Melter, Heating Power 900 KW, Operation Voltage 3 X400/230, 50 Hz, Max filling Weight 2000 Kg Construction Height 7670 mm, Fuse Power Input 50 A, Energy Erdgas, Connecting Cap. 16 KW, Max Furnace Chamber Temp. 1050 C, Max Metal Temp. 820 C, Cap. 2,000 Kg, Metal / Alloy Al, Quality Control 06.10.04
(2) Shanghai Aluminum Furnace Co. ATM 2500 & 3000 Aluminum Melters, Cap. 8000Kg, Fuel NG, Power 25KW, Input Power 10,000 MJ/Hr, Control Panel, Platform, Fans
(7) Linden DU.A Degassing Stations, Installed Cap. 1.5 KW (2HP), Supply Voltage 3 Ph, 400 Volts 50 Hz, Operation Pressure Max 0.03 Mpo, Weight 800 Kg, Rotor Speed Max 600 RPM
Zijiang Furnace Nanjing Co. NCL 2016-1685 Two Chamber Die Heating Furnace (2017), Power Supply 480 Volts, 60 Hz, Furnace Chamber Dimensions - 1.6 x 1.7 x 0.9 m, Overall Dimensions 3.1 x 3.8 x 4.9 m, Weight 13-Tons, Fuel Type NG, Rated Gas Consumption 19 NM/h, Rated Temp 500 C, Heating Zone 3, Rated Load Cap. 2 x 1.2-Tons
Linden PS 900.45 Electric Resistant Furnace (2018), Installed Cap. 45 KW, Supply Voltage 3 Phase, 400V/50Hz or 3 Phase, 480 V/60Hz, Crucible Volume 900 Kg, Furnace Weight 2600 Kg, Max Filling Weight 3500 Kg, Wall Temp. 70 C
(10) CPC-Linden Model 1600-C96 Aluminum Casting Machines, Cast up to Cavities or 12 Parts Per Cycle, 96 Air/Water Cooling Lines, 900kg Elect. Crucible Type Holding Furnace, w/Quench Tanks, Bottom-Intermediate-Top Platen, Alum. Cast Part 235-245 Degree Celsius, 705 Degree Celsius Metal Temp in Furnace, 1920mm x 1470mm Dimensions of Platens, 1000mm Stroke of Mold Opening, 75mm Ejection Stroke, 1400mm Diameter and 680mm Height Dimensions of Casting Chamber, 32,000kg Weight, Overall Dimensions 6535mm H x 6300mm L x 6500 W, 18.5kw EI Motor, 45kw Furnace, 3 Phase-460/480V aC 60 Hz
Casting Cells, Equipment, w/Input and Output Belt Conveyors 30" x 86" Cap., ASD Automation, Over 15 ASD GF-440 Portable Marking Machines, (4) CPC Mdl. KT-900 V3.1 Cross Shuttle Tables, 9’ x 12’ Cap., (6) Furnace Transport Pallets, with Electrical Boxes, Approx. (25) Various Holding Furnaces Some, with Crucibles, Light Curtains

(11) Foshan Hexing Hydraulic Machinery Co Hx-Y31 160T Hydraulic Trim Presses, Table Size 47" x 55", Cylinder Output 160T, System Pressure 20 MPA, Working Medium 46 Oil, Oil Tank Cap. 11,270 Kg, Pump 20 Kg/CM2,Motor Power 11 KW, 3 Phase, 480 Vac, 60 Hz
(10) ASD 6170 & 6320 Degate Saws (2018 & 2019), 22" Blade, 480 Vac Volts, 60 Amps, 3 Phase, 60 Hz, Control Panel
(6) VJT RIXCAB200-SA, RIXCAB180-SA, RIXCAB2005-SAK, RIXCAB2007-SAK, LSCAB200-SAK & LSCAB 160-A X-RAY Machines, 480 Volts, 60 Amps, 3 Phase, 60 Hz, PE, Air: 80 PSI, 5 CFM, Cabinet Shielded for 200 KV, FDA Designation: 21 CFR 1020.40, Equipped, w/Fanuc R2000iC-125L Robots, w/R30ib controllers

(2) Zijiang Furnace Nanjing Co. CY 2000-Q Heat Treat Furnaces (2015), Rated Temperature 600 (200) C, 3 Phase, 480 Volts, 60 Hz, Heating Medium NG, Rated Power 1350/150 KW, Heating Zone 9/6, Weight 80/40 Ton, Floor Area 40 x 6 M, Maximus Productivity 2400 Kg/H, S/N 18-02-019 Year 2018 & S/N 16-01-07
Zyglo Dye Penetrant Line with Electrostatic FLPI Sprayer System PG-010 Controller and Recovery system
Heineda VF-4550 Degate Bandsaw (2017)
Changzhou Taisheng Machinery Equip. Co. TS-1717-2P Sandblasting Machine (2017), 480 Volts, Bearing the Weight 500 Kg, Pressure of Work 0.4 - 0.7

(50) ROBOTS (Robots are all Material Handling, Pick and Place Robots Used in Machining Cells, Foundry Cells, and X-Ray Machines)
(20) Fanuc R2000ic Robots (2015-2018), w/R-30ib Controllers, 210F, 165F & 125L
(22) Fanuc R1000ia-80F Robots (2014-2017), w/R-30ib Controllers
Fanuc R2000ia-165F Robot (2004), w/RJ3ib Controller
(2) Fanuc R2000ic Robots (2017), w/R-30ib Plus Controllers

(8) Vigel TW 660H Twin Spindle 5-Axis CNC Machining Centers (2017-2018), Working Spindle 1-2-3-4, Spindle Distance 660-440-330 mm, Spindle Taper HSK-A-63 / HSK-A-80, Max Speed 8000-10000-12000-18000RPM, Max Power Per Spindle at 56/40%, 26-30-40-45 kW, Max Torque Per Spindle at 56/40%, Travel Axes, x 1200-660-440-330mm, Y-Z 1065/600 mm, Opt. Independent Z Axes (TW/QD), 2/2x2, Feed Drives, Max. Rapid Traverse X/Y/Z 120/120/120 m/min., Max. Feed Thrust X/Y/Z 14/24/16 kN, Acceleration X/Y/Z SI - 11/9,5/20 m/s2, TW 11/8.5/20 m/s2, TR 10/8/16 m/s2, QD 9/7.5/13 m/s2, Tool Magazine; Tool Change System: Direct, Cap. 1-2 Spindles 72-96, Cap. 3 Spindles 72-90, Cap. 4 Spindles 96, Chip to Chip Approx. SI/TW/TR/QD 2.6"-2.8"-3.0", Pallet Changer (A1-Axis Horizontal) 0 180 Degrees, Swivel Tables (A2-A3 Axes) Twin Table, NC Rotary Tables (B Axes) Opt. 1 + 1 / 2 + 2 / 3 + 3/ 4 + 4, Accuracy (VDI/DGQ 33441), Position Measuring System X/Y/Z & A-B Axes - Direct -Absolute, Position Tolerance X/Y/Z Axes - TP 8um, Positioning Tolerance A/B Axes +-5", (5), w/Fanuc Panel iH Pro Control and (3), w/Fanuc Series 31i-Model b control, Machine Dimensions (W x L x H) - 4160 x 5820 x 3990 mm, Weight Approx. 28.5-30.5-Tons, Years 2107-2018
(19) Vigel TW 500H Twin Spindle 5-Axis CNC Machining Centers (2016-2017), Working Spindle 2-3-4, Spindle Distance 500-320-250mm, Spindle Taper, HSK-A-63 / HSK-A-80, Max Speed 8000-12000RPM, Max Power Per Spindle at 56/40% 26/32 kW, Max Torque Per Spindle at 56/40% 87-166 Nm, Travel Axes, x 500-320-250 mm, Y-Z 900/500 mm, Opt. Independent Z-Axes 2-2x2, Feed Drives, Max Rapid Traverse X/Y/Z TW-TR 60/60/70 mm, QD 45/60/60 m/min, Max Feed Thrust X/Y/Z 15/15/20 kN, Acceleration X/Y/Z, TW 7/7/9 m/s2, TR 6/6/7 m/s2, QD 5/4,5/6 m/s2, Tool Magazine, Tool Change System - Direct, Cap. 2 Spindles 6-72 (opt 90 - 108), Cap. 3-4 Spindles 54-72 (opt 81-108), Chip to Chip Approx. 3.6", Pallet Changer, (A1 Axis Horizontal) 0 - 180 Degrees, Swivel Table (A2-A3 Axes) Twin Table, NC Rotary Tables (b Axes) Opt. 2 + 2 / 3 + 3 / 4 + 4, Accuracy (VDI/DGQ 3441), Position Measuring System X/Y/Z & A-B Axes Direct - Absolute, Positioning Tolerance X/Y/Z Axes TP 8Um, Positioning Tolerance A/B Axes +- 5", Fanuc Series 31i-Model b Control, Machine Dimensions (W x L x H) 2700 x 4260 x 3550 mm, Weight Approx. 17-Tons, Knoll Liquid Filtration System, Knoll Chip Conv., Losma Oil Mist Collector
(1) Vigel TW 400H Twin Spindle 5-Axis CNC Machining Center (2016), Working Spindle 2-3-4, Spindle Distance 400-270-200 mm, Spindle Taper, HSK-A-63/ HSK-A-80, Max Speed 8000-12000 RPM, Max Power Per Spindle at 56/40%, 26-32-50 kW, Max Torque Per Spindle at 56/40%, 87-166-275 Nm, Travel Axes, X-400-270-200 mm Y-Z - 900/450 mm, Feed Drives, Max Rapid Traverse X/Y/Z 70/70/70 m/min., Max Feed Thrust X/Y/Z 15/35/20 kN, Acceleration X/Y/Z TW 8/9/13 m/s2, TR 7/8/11 m/s2, QD 6/7/9 m/s2, Tool Magazine: Tool Changer System, Direct, Cap. 2 Spindles 36-48-60, Cap. 3-4 Spindles 48-54, Chip to Chip Approx. 3", Pallet Changer (A1- Axis Horizontal) 0 - 180 Degrees, Swivel Table (A2-A3 Axes) Twin Table, NC Rotary Tables (B Axes) Opt. 2+2 / 3+3 / 4+4, Accuracy (VDI/DGQ 3441), Position Measuring System X/Y/Z & A-B Axes - Direct - Absolute, Positioning Tolerance X/Y/Z Axes TP 8um, Positioning Tolerance A/B Axes +-5", Fanuc Series 31i-Model b Control, Machine Dimensions (w x L x H) 2700 x 4235 x 3550 mm, Weight Approx. 15-Tons Knoll Liquid Filtration System, Cosmotec Cooling System, Knoll Chip Conv., Losma Oil Mist Collector
(28) Doosan HP 5100II 4-Axis CNC Horizontal Machining Centers (2014-2015), X-Axis Travel 33.400", Y Axis Travel 27.500, Z Axis Travel 29.500", Rapid Rate for X,Y,Z 2,362 IPM, Pallet Size 19.7" x 19.7", Max Pallet Load 1,100 Lbs, Spindle Speed 14,000 RPM, Spindle Motor 30 HP, Spindle Taper HSK63, Tool Changer 60 ATC, Dimensions 110 x 214 x 119, Weight 33,000 Lbs, Equipped, w/Fanuc Series 31i Mdl. A, Chip Conveyor, Coolant thru Spindle, Chip Conv, Chip Blaster, Chip Chiller, Automatic Liquid Temp Controller, Transformer, Fluid Pump, Losma Oil Mist Collector, Oil Cooling Unit, Transformer
(2) Doosan HP 5100 4-Axis CNC Horizontal Machining Centers (2012), X-Axis Travel 33.400", Y Axis Travel 27.500, Z Axis Travel 29.500", Rapid Rate for X,Y,Z 2,362 IPM, Pallet Size 19.7" x 19.7", Max Pallet Load 1,100 Lbs, Spindle Speed 14,000 RPM, Spindle Motor 30 HP, Spindle Taper HSK63, Tool Changer 60 ATC, Dimensions 110 x 214 x 119, Weight 33,000 Lbs, Equipped, w/Fanuc Series 31i Mdl. A, Chip Conveyor, Coolant thru Spindle, Chip Conv, Chip Blaster, Chip Chiller, Automatic Liquid Temp Controller, Transformer, Fluid Pump, Losma Oil Mist Collector, Oil Cooling Unit, Transformer
(5) Doosan DNM 650 3-Axis Vertical Machining Centers (2013), Travel X: 50", Y:26.3", Z: 24.6", Power 24.8 HP, 8000 RPM, 30 ATC, Taper BT-40, Table (L) 51.2" x 26.4" (W), Spindles, Number of Spindles 1, Number of Speeds 1, Type Fixed, Controls, Doosan-Fanuc i Series Control, Weight 16,535,Chip Conv, Chip Blaster, Automatic Liquid Temp Reg, Fluid Pump, Transformer
(2) Doosan Mynx 6500/50 CNC Vertical Machining Centers (2013-2015), Travel, x 50", Y 26.4", Z 24.6", Power 30 HP, 6000 RPM, 30 ATC, Table W 26.4", Table L 55", Taper 50, Number of Axis 4, Doosan-Fanuc i Series Control, Weight 20,46030, Chip Conv, Chip Blaster, Automatic Liquid Temp Reg, Fluid Pump, Transformer
(3) DMG Mori NHX5000 4-Axis CNC Horizontal Machining Centers (2013-2014), Table Travel, Max X-Axis Travel 28.7", Max y Axis Travel 28.7", Max Z Axis Travel 34.6", Table Dimension, Max Table Load 1,543 Lbs, Table Length 19.7", Table Width 19.7", Workpiece Dimension, Max Workpiece Height 39.4", Spindle; Mori Seiki M730BM Control, Standard Rotational Speed 15,000 RPM, Max Rotational Speed (Option) 20,000 RPM, Power (100% Power on Time) 29.5HP, Torque (100% Power On Time 76.7 Ft/Lbs, Tool Magazine, Cap. (Standard) 40, Max Cap. 240, Rapid Transverse Max X-Axis 196.9 Ft/Min, Max Y Axis 196.9 Ft/Min, Max Z Axis 196.9 Ft/Min, Chip Conv, Oil Cooling Unit, Transformer, Chip Blaster, Fluid Pump
(3) DMG Mori NHX4000 4-Axis CNC Horizontal Machining Centers (2013), Travel - X,Y,Z Axis: 22.0" (X), 22.0" (Y), 26.0" (Z), Pallet Size 15.7" (2), Spindle Speed 12,000 RPM, Spindle Taper HSK-A63, Pallet Index ,001 Degree, Spindle Motor 20/15 HP, Spindle Center to Table Top 2.4" - 24.4", Spindle Nose to Table Center 2.8" - 28.7", Tools 40, Rapid Traverse Rate 2362 IPM, Tool Change Time (T-T/C - C): 0.9 / 2.8 Seconds, Pallet Change Time 8 Seconds, Pallet Load Cap. 880 Lbs, Max Workplace Dia / Height 24.8" / 34.6", Max Tool Diameter 2.7" / 6.6", Max Tool Length 17.7", Max Tool Weight 17.6 Lbs, Mori Seiki Chip Conv, Mist Blaster Mdl. JV40 - 0137, Daikin Mdl. AKZ329C050 Automatic Liquid Temp Reg Fluid Pump, Transformer
(4) Hardinge-Bridgeport GX1300 CNC Vertical Machining Centers (2011-2012), Travel X, Y, Z, 51" x 27.5" x 25", 25 HP (18.65kW) (30 Min.), Spindle Speed 10,000 RPM, Swing Arm ATC: 30 Station, Control: i-Series GX - Fanuc Oi-MD Controller, Fanuc Oi-MD Controller, Key Arrow Chip Conv, Chip Blaster Mdl. J30 - 0328, Transformer
Zoller Redomatic 600 Tool Presetter (2016)
Zoller Venturion 450/6 Tool Presetter (2015)
Ezset Model PREG04C1-0085 Tool Presetter

(2) Hexagon Global Performance Model 9.12.8 CMM (2016-2017), Table Size 75" x 42", HP-S-X/H Probe, HH-C V.20 controller
(3) Mitutoyo Mdl. Crysta-Apex S – S9106 Microcord CMM (2014-2015), Table Size 68" x 47", Renishaw PH10MQ Probe
Mitutoyo Crysta-Apex S – S7106 Microcord CMM (2011), Table Size 39" x 68"
Wenzel x Orbit – x087 CMM, Table Size 48" x 72"
(2) Ametek Metex Spectro Maxx Metal Analyzer, (2016 & 2018), S/N 18005193 & 16003031
Zeiss FOBA 3-D Laser Scanning Machine, w/Table and Tripods
Leco LCB3100 Hardness Tester, Leco PR-36 Mounting Press, Leco 825-300-300, Spectrum 1000 Polishing System, Spectrum System 1000
Epsilon Extensometer
Instron 3369 Tensile Tester (2016)
Dahometer DH300 Electronic Densimeter
• (5+) Various Olympus Microscopes
• Granite Surface Plates
• Height gauges, gage Blocks, Etc.

Shore Western 178" x 237 x 10" Tall T- Slotted Bay Cast Bolster Plate, (2) H-Frames, (7) Tombstones, (2) Angle Plates and (7) Test Cylinders
Shore Western 120" x 216" x 12" Tall T- Slotted Bay Cast Bolster Plate, (2) H-Frames, (5) Tombstones, and (4) Test Cylinders
Shore Western 84" x 192" x 14" Tall T- Slotted Bay Cast Bolster Plate, (2) H-Frames, (2) Tombstones, (1) Angle Plates and (3) Test Cylinders
Shore Western 144" x 180" x 7" Tall T- Slotted Bay Cast Bolster Plate, (2) H-Frames, (1) Tombstones, (4) Angle Plates and (6) Test Cylinders
(2) Shore Western Hydraulic Pump Units (2015), P/N 1120-4, S/Ns 15165 & 48012

Luzi Hong CK6136 CNC Lathe, Fanuc Oi-TF Control
Baileigh Industries VM949-3 Vertical Milling Machine, with Mitutoyo KA-200 DRO
Heineda V-500/600 Vertical Bandsaw
Marvel Series 8 Mark II Bandsaw
Prensa 20-Ton Hyd. Shop Press
Dayton 21C004A Bandsaw
Miller Dynasty 800 Tig Welder
Miller Thunderbolt XL Welder
Lincoln Power Mig 216 Welder
Lincoln 140C Welder
ESAB 452 Welder

(2) Ingersoll Rand Model R160NEA Rotary Screw Air Compressors, Max Discharge Pressure 145 PSI, Normal Fan Motor 10 HP, Normal Drive Motor 200HP, Nom Drive Motor Current 270 Amps, Total Package Amps 284, Max Starting Amps 284, Max Operating Speed 3000 RPM, 460 Volts, 3 Phase, 60 HZ, Control Voltage, SCCR 5K Amps, Enclosure UL Type 2, with I-R Air Dryers
Ingersoll Rand R110I-A125 125 HP Rotary Screw Air Compressor, w/Air Dryer
Ingersoll Rand R110N-A Rotary Screw Air Compressor, Nirvana VSD, with Air Dryer
Gardner Denver V Series Air Compressor, Approx. 50 HP
(2) Gardner Denver Electra Saver Rotary Screw Air Compressor, with Air Dryer

Gorbel 5-Ton gantry Style Crane System, with Pendant Control
Broderson IC-200 Mobile Crane, S/N 99782
Tennant T-20 Riding Floor Scrubber
International Dura Star Max Force Diesel Box Truck, 26,000 GVWR
Ford Box Truck, 1997, Vin 1FDXN8OCYWA37093
CAT E6000, 6,000lb Electric Forklift, Side Shift, with Charger

CAT 1500KW generator, Model 3512 CAT Engine, S/N 6WN00668, 1620kw & 1800 RPM
Intersource Chip Recovery System, 2019, with Dump Tilter, Chip Wringer
Intersource CA6200F+ Chip Recovery System, with Dump Tilter, Chip Wringer
Spectrum Detroit Diesel 900DS4 900kw generator, 1800 RPM, Fuel Diesel, Three Phase 277/480 Volt 60 Hz, Batt 24 Volt, Spec. PA - 197012, Service Duty: Standby, Hours 283.7
Alstom 13200 Delta 1500KVA Transformer
S&S PMH-12 Electric Transformer, 4800 Volt, S/N 920438
Park PS-A6325 Transformer
(15+) FEC DSP-1025R-20FB Press Stations
(2) STM 1T-3TF Assembly Presses, with MCGS Control
Promess 120/330/175 Hyd. Press
(2) Norwesco Inc 1025-Gallon Polly Tanks
(6) Rupp Air Systems Cooling Make-up Towers
Beko & I-R Oil/Water Separators
• (30+) Self Dumping Hoppers
• (300+) Wire Baskets

In Conjunction With Maynards Industries & Robert Levy Associates

Auctioneer Notes

All internet bidders must register for this auction at least 72-HOURS PRIOR TO SALE DATE.
Registration is available onsite the day of the sale. ***All onsite bidders must provide 25% of approximate bid amount which will allow a buyer to spend 4 times the deposited amount the day of the sale. Example: $500 cash minimum is required which will only allow a maximum spending amount of $2,000. Acceptable forms of payment for ON-SITE are via:

1. Cash

2. Wire Transfer: Please Note - All wire transfers payments must include an additional $30 domestic & $45 international wire transfer fee - incoming & outgoing. Please contact our office for current wire information 818.508.7034 or email wire instruction request to [email protected]

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Minimum: $2,500 required which allows a spending limit of $10,000.
If you are planning on spending above $10,000 you will need to deposit 25% of your maximum anticipated spending. (This will allow a spending limit up to 4 times the deposit amount sent)

Example: $5,000 deposit = allows up to $20,000

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All proxy bidders must post a 25% deposit of your planned spending budget in the form of a WIRE TRANSFER, ACH or Cashier's Check made out to BIDITUP AUCTIONS WORLDWIDE with a $2,500 MINIMUM DEPOSIT in order to be approved to bid.
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Removal Notes

  • Removal dates: TBA
  • Removal times 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Monday through Friday.
  • No items released until payment is received in full.

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Checkout Notes

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2. Cashier's Check
3. Wire Transfer

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